I Talk Back to the Devil
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"The highest that can be said of any creature is that it fulfilled the purpose for which God made it." — A. W. Tozer
What is holding you back from being all God wants you to be?
Tozer says, "It is one of the devil's oldest tricks to discourage the saints by causing them to look back at what they were." Indeed, Satan has been in the business of intimidating and deceiving the people of God for a very long time. Tozer himself felt attacked by the devil even as he prepared the sermons distilled into this book.
But as we press toward maturity in Christ, we are armed with great strength to engage in battle with that great Adversary. We can stand up to the Devil and shout "I am a child of God! I will not take this any longer, and I remind you that the forgiveness and cleansing I have freely received comes from Jesus Christ!"