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The Pursuit with A. W. Tozer

The Peril of Busyness

Quote of the week

“A Christian is one who dedicates himself to God to inhabit another and better world!” —A.W. Tozer

Evenings with Tozer (p. 11)

To Ponder

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1 John 2:15

Of all the calamities that have been visited upon the world, the surrender of the human spirit to this present world and its ways is the worst—without doubt!

No monarch ever ruled his cowering subjects with any more cruel tyranny than things—visible things, audible things, tangible things—rule mankind. That we who were made to communicate with angels and archangels and seraphim and with the God who made them all—that we should settle down here as a wild eagle of the air come down to scratch in the barnyard with the common hens—this I say is the worst of anything that has ever come to the world!

It seems incredible that we who were made for many worlds should accept this one world as our ultimate home.

Man was made in the image of God and is now a fallen being that has left its place in the celestial world and has plummeted down like a falling star. Now, in this world, he has all but forgotten the place from which he came. That is why the devil sees to it that we seldom get alone with time to think and meditate on the reality of the other world. For when a man really gets alone, he senses often that this life in this world is not the answer—it is not the end.

Actually and simply, a Christian is one who dedicates himself to God to inhabit another and better world!

This excerpt is from:

Evenings With Tozer

A. W. Tozer
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Perspective Check

What things rule your life and limit you by accepting this world as your ultimate home? Find time alone today to mediate on the reality of heaven and ponder what you can do now to dedicate yourself to that better world.

About The Newsletter

"The Pursuit with A.W. Tozer" will enrich your relationship with God. Every week, you'll receive and insightful quote, a short devotional to ponder, and an interactive perspective check that will help you apply the teaching.
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