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The Pursuit with A. W. Tozer

What is the Holy Spirit Like?

Quote of the week

“You can know what Jesus is like by knowing what the Father is like, and you can know what the Spirit is like by knowing what Jesus is like.” —A.W. Tozer

How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit (p. 21)

To Ponder

Now, what is the Holy Spirit? Not who, but what? The answer is that the Holy Spirit is a Being dwelling in another mode of existence. He has not weight, nor measure, nor size, nor any color, no extension in space, but He nevertheless exists as surely as you exist.

The Holy Spirit is not enthusiasm. I have found enthusiasm that hummed with excitement, and the Holy Spirit was nowhere to be found there at all; and I have found the Holy Ghost when there has not been much of what we call enthusiasm present. Neither is the Holy Spirit another name for genius. We talk about the spirit of Beethoven and say, “This or that artist played with great spirit.” The Holy Spirit is none of these things. Now what is He?

He is a Person. The Holy Spirit is not only a Being having another mode of existence, but He is Himself a Person, with all the qualities and powers of personality. He is not matter, but He is substance. The Holy Spirit is often thought of as a beneficent wind that blows across the Church.

If you think of the Holy Spirit as being literally a wind, a breath, then you think of Him as non-personal and non-individual. But the Holy Spirit has will and intelligence and feeling and knowledge and sympathy and ability to love and see and think and hear and speak and desire the same as any person has.

So the Spirit is a Person. That’s what He is. Now who is He?

Notice that I am trying to establish the truth that the Holy Spirit is not only a Person, but that He is a divine Person; not only a divine Person, but God.

In Psalm 139 the hymnist attributes omnipresence to the Holy Ghost. He says, “Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?” (139:7) and he develops throughout the 139th Psalm, in language that is as beautiful as a sunrise and as musical as the wind through the willows, the idea that the Spirit is everywhere, having the attributes of deity. He must be deity, for no creature could have the attributes of deity.

In Hebrews, there is attributed to the Holy Ghost that which is never attributed to an archangel, or a seraphim, or a cherubim, or an angel, or an apostle, or a martyr, or a prophet, or a patriarch, or anyone that has ever been created by the hand of God. It says, “through the eternal Spirit” (Hebrews 9:14), and every theologian knows that eternity is an attribute of no creature which deity has ever formed. The angels are not eternal; that is, they had a beginning, and all created things had a beginning. As soon as the word “eternal” is used about being it immediately establishes the fact that he never had a beginning, is not a creature at all, but God. Therefore, when the Holy Ghost says “the eternal Spirit” about Himself He is calling Himself God.

Now what will we find Him to be like? He will be exactly like Jesus. You have read your New Testament, and you know what Jesus is like, and the Holy Spirit is exactly like Jesus, for Jesus was God and the Spirit is God, and the Father is exactly like the Son; and you can know what Jesus is like by knowing what the Father is like, and you can know what the Spirit is like by knowing what Jesus is like.

He is the epitome of love, kindliness, geniality, warm attractiveness and sweetness. And that is exactly what the Holy Ghost is, for He is the Spirit of the Father and the Son. Amen.

This excerpt is from:

How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit

A. W. Tozer
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Perspective Check

How will thinking of the Holy Spirit as a person and not a wind or breath change your perception of who God is?

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"The Pursuit with A.W. Tozer" will enrich your relationship with God. Every week, you'll receive and insightful quote, a short devotional to ponder, and an interactive perspective check that will help you apply the teaching.
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