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The Pursuit with A. W. Tozer

Are You Excited By Jesus?

Quote of the week

“To become acquainted with God is one thing, but to go on in commitment and to experience God in intensity and richness of acquaintance is something more.”

Tozer Speaks, Volume 1, p. 534

To Ponder

Can it be that we do not believe that Jesus Christ is capable of a growing and increasing intimacy of fellowship with those who are His own? To become acquainted with God is one thing, but to go on in commitment and to experience God in intensity and richness of acquaintance is something more.

The Apostle Paul knew this in his yearning as he said, “I want to know Him in that depth and rich intensity of experience!” Of the many compelling reasons why we ought to know our Saviour better than we do certainly the first is that He is a person, Jesus Christ. We all agree that He is a person, that He is the Eternal Son, but have we gone on to adore Him because He is the source and fountain of everything that you and I are created to enjoy?

He is the fountain of all truth, but He is more—He is truth itself. He is the source and strength of all beauty, but He is more—He is beauty itself. He is the fountain of all wisdom, but He is more—He is wisdom itself. In Him are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden away!

Jesus Christ our Saviour is the fountain of all grace. He is the fountain and source of all life, but He is more than that. He could say, “I am the life!” He is the fountain of love, but again, He is far more than that—He is love!

He is resurrection and He is immortality and as one of the adoring song writers said, He is the “brightness of the Father’s glory, sunshine of the Father’s face.”

In another hymn, “Fairest Lord Jesus,” there are at least two verses that are not always included, which tell us in candor and realism that when everything else has perished and vanished, we will find it is Jesus alone who abides for aye. One verse says, “Earth’s fairest beauty, heaven’s brightest splendor, in Jesus Christ unfolded see; all that here shineth quickly declineth before His spotless purity.”

There is excitement in true love, and I think that we Christians who love our Saviour ought to be more excited about Who He is and What He is!

Excerpted from Tozer Speaks Volume 1, p. 534-535

Perspective Check

When was the last time you felt genuine excitement in your relationship with Jesus? Choose one of His attributes to reflect on today.

About The Newsletter

"The Pursuit with A.W. Tozer" will enrich your relationship with God. Every week, you'll receive and insightful quote, a short devotional to ponder, and an interactive perspective check that will help you apply the teaching.
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